In order to meet our high quality standards, we carry out assembly, finishing, testing and shipping of our control units on our own responsibility. Wherever possible, we automate production processes and support our experienced production team with high-performance IT.

In conjunction with our sustainable supplier management and our own manufacturing and testing equipment development, we achieve cost-efficient series production and reliable series delivery.


pre- and final assembly of series control units

production of sample parts

flash programming of variants

end-of-line test (EOL)

quality assurance and analyses

packaging and logistics

after sales service

material planning and purchasing

supply chain management

warehouse management

manufacturing program planning and control

manufacturing and test equipment development

product and process validation

supplier management


LED-matrix-module with individually controllable white LEDs
and optical fibres (CAN)

LED module with RGB-LEDs (LIN)

control unit with powerful and variable LED channels (CAN, LIN)

master control unit for light staging (CAN, LIN)

ECU for switchable glass (PDLC)

control unit for automatic door (LIN, BLDC-Motor)

control unit for fold-out door handle (LIN, DC Motor)

control sunshade (LIN)